Welcome to my blog and thank you for stopping by!

I am a simple farm girl, saved by grace, with an open heart and sincere soul, constantly seeking the truth of Jesus.
May we find joy in the ordinary, love others well and allow hope to sustain us through every journey in this life.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Accept "His" Anointing

John 12:44

And Jesus cried out and said, “Whoever believes in me, believes not in me, but in Him who sent me.”

Limited faith and building our lives around ourselves can leave us more often than not, being the “anointed one” rather than directing our love to others as the “anointer.”  When we allow ourselves to share the anointing of Jesus’ love and devotion with the world, it enables us to grow spiritually and we begin to move toward oneness with the Father.  I desire to always display a strong and genuine statement of faith in Jesus and not one that falters!  What if I would allow myself to trust that God hears my prayers and believe that I will see the glory of God in all things.  What an amazing plan of action God has for my life.  To trust in His miraculous power and immediate redemption would be life altering and transforming beyond our imagination.  He has a plan for eternal life in all who accept Him and for a spiritual quality of life that begins with the “new birth” and lasts throughout eternity.  His glory and power are revealed in and through us. My prayer is that I will become more faithful to share His love with others and by my actions they will feel empowered.  The anointing we have received from Him will abide in us and sharing His great love with others will restore and provide healing to ourselves and to those in our lives that God uses for His glory.  My constant prayer is that my life and my actions will be pleasing to God so that He will use me in His story of love. My hope is that I will always be motivated by His love and not by the love of self.  I want to celebrate God’s victories and have faith in the “One” who came in the name of the Lord.  Accept the anointing of Jesus and trust in the convicting power of the Holy Spirit!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"Living Water"

Today I am rejoicing with thoughts about Jesus the “living water” of life!  So thankful and blessed that He is my “living water” and “everlasting life.” Thankful that from birth I was blessed to be born in a country where I was able to learn about God, that I was raised by parents who genuinely love God, that I am a part of a “community of believers” where I learn from those who are truly seeking “only Him” and that I am free to share what God is revealing to me along my journey.  I find tremendous joy in having an intimate relationship with the “one and only.” My desire is to worship “Him” in spirit and in truth.  Only my daily walk with God will assist me in moving forward from spiritual death into a state of true spiritual life.  Even though God’s plan for us is to live on earth in the human form he longs for us to seek only “He” the divine one. We are to drink from the permanent spring of living water.  The living water that he freely offers and His words of truth are the only authentic “living water” of life.  My prayer is that I will open my heart to spiritual truth and allow His free flowing spirit to consume every part of my life, trusting completely in His redemptive purpose.  I need to move away from man-made water and toward the natural spring fed water, saturating my heart, soul and mind with His “life giving” Holy Spirit.  I pray that I will allow him to work through me in spirit and in truth and that “He” will be the only spiritual source that feeds my heart.  I pray that his spirit will over flow in everything I do and that because His spirit lives in me, I will never be thirsty again.  My hope is that I will share a drink of “living water” with those that gather near me as well as those that will travel through my life, and that I will live each moment completely, while taking the time to be still and listen for His spirit to whisper softly to my heart.

Friday, August 5, 2011

The "True Light"

August is here and these first few days have been extremely hot and dry.
Spending so much time inside trying to stay cool has given me plenty of time to think and ponder many things.  One specific topic that has recently been on my mind is the book of John. A few weeks ago a group of “God women” at my church began a study of John.  Only a few weeks into the study and God has begun to expose a new understanding of so many things.  I am thankful that in my heart Jesus is the source of my life and the eternal light of my soul and is the only way for me to exist in this world.  His only desire for me is to receive Him and trust Him through faith so that I can enjoy the eternal light that He provides.  He has taught me that eternal light triumphs over darkness in every situation.  His desire is for us to allow the “true light” to live in us and through us.  Our “true light” is always moving us through whatever situation we are struggling with and into a renewed season of our journey in life.  Jesus is the total package of what God wanted to say to me about the “true light” of life.  Sometimes I allow the light to be covered by clouds. I look for the light in all the wrong places.  As I continue to be transformed, I will humbly seek that glimmer of light shining through the clouds.  I’ll strive to be a light to others and desire for Him to be my only light.  Jesus longs for us to “give light” and “share light.” Sometimes we do experience darkness but by His grace we are able to see that small glimmer of light shining through our sad moments. My prayer is for those who struggle to find light and for the times that I try to be my own light.  Even though we all have temporary days of spiritual darkness, God’s light will continue to reside in us and work through us until we are able to feel the “true light” shining in our heart once again!  I want Christ to be the spiritual light of my heart and I will walk with “Him” along this path of life as I look for the light in whatever I am faced with.  The prayer from my heart today is that I can have total trust in His “true light” and “awesome power” in and through “all” things throughout my journey. And that I will continue to build and preserve an intimate and spiritual relationship with the Creator of “all” things and the true source of “all” light! 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

H20 & Hope

Hello friends,

I haven't written lately and I really don’t have a good excuse.  I have however, missed being able to pour out my feeling and adventures, so today is the day to get back on track.

I’m enjoying every breath of summer and of life, spending time with my precious granddaughters and kiddo’s, and trying to make the best of this intense heat.  I am soaking up the warm sun and standing in awe of the beautiful blue skies!  A portion of my summer has involved water of some sort and somehow along the way, I have been reminded of a lesson that I have been taught many times. This summer is my refresher course.

In June, off to the beach we went for a wedding/vacation trip!  My oldest son and his fiancĂ© were married on the beach.  It was a beautiful wedding and we all had a wonderful time, but just as we were finishing up the vows, the clouds opened up for us!  The blessing was that the skies were overcast and a cool breeze swept across the beach just as the wedding ceremony was about to begin.  As I was standing on the beach that day, it seemed to stretch out forever and as the skies began to get dark, I could still see a small glimpse of light shining through the clouds. I will forever remember that glimmer of light and the hope that over flowed in my heart from that amazing and spectacular scene in the sky.  Most of the guests made it to their car before the down pour and off we went to the reception at a cute little “lighthouse themed” restaurant. 

Spending so much time in either the pool or ocean and reflecting on the drenching down pour of that day on the beach, something was renewed in me and I came home inspired to focus on the “go with the flow” concept of life.  Don't fight the current or riptides. Make resisting new ideas few and be open to everything.  Allow life to carry you and don't try to carry life.  You know when you have one of those moments, when everything suddenly becomes crystal clear.  If only I could trust in Him, and become the woman who just glides along enjoying the rough waves as well as the peaceful smooth flowing times in life. This summer I am learning to “go with the flow” and to focus on having myself aligned for the “flow” to occur as it should. Sometimes we just have to be reminded and spending some time in the ocean and the pool this summer has encouraged me to strive to be better at surrendering my “journey in life” to the "One" who holds “all” in the universe.  He has the authority and power to pull you safely to shore or to carry you until you can walk beside Him again.

In my heart, I am no teacher, just a faithful friend who loves to share those wonderful moments when I am taught something great!  Hoping my thoughts will fill you up and encourage you to draw closer to “hope” the anchor of our souls. 

I know we are up for the challenge ahead, to allow ourselves to “go with the flow” more often than not. Everyday I wake up thankful and nearly every day brings some small miracle or a huge blessing!  As I continue to bask in the sunshine and soak in the water, I pray that I will draw closer to the Father and allow Him to become my “go with the flow.”

The constant revelation of what lies in our heart can become the confidence we need to carry us forward and with the hope that we have and the unfailing love of our King, we can allow life to hold us safely as we learn to find joy in the rapids as well as the calm flowing waters, in this river of life!

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Loyal Friend

When I think of a loyal friend, I think of the story of Ruth.  A relationship of this caliber can sustain us through the most intense storms in our lives.

And Ruth said: For wherever you go, I will go; and wherever you stay, I will stay; your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.

What a blessing we receive from a faithful friend. This kind of friend is someone that no matter what turbulence we are experiencing in our life, will love us enough to never leave us.  They will commit to encourage us, lift us in prayer and dwell in our emotional and confused world until we have peace again!  Our uncertainties and troubles remain as present in their heart as in our own. Their faithfulness and promises to love us through an unstable time in our life becomes the bridge in our ability to trust in Him and persevere from beginning to end.

A friend is also someone that enjoys experiencing the joyful and happy events in life and can recognize and appreciate those that turn into an awesome and unforgettable adventure. They love sharing the journey of life with us and support our endeavors even when they aren’t as excited about them as we are. A friend is thankful for the eternal bond and personal growth that is shared from traveling through the experience together.

It’s the same concept as a flower needing water and sunshine to grow. We must nurture it from a bud to full bloom. The same is true of friendship; it is beautiful in every season. Nurtured by the love and enjoyment you share from day to day, with time, encouragement, love and faith a friendship will blossom.

Take the time to breathe in its aroma and appreciate the gift of true friendship!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Random Thoughts From My Heart

Today I am sharing some random thoughts from my heart. I strive to live every day of my life as an adventure and to approach every event in my life as a spiritual journey of learning and growing my relationship and trust in the Lord. This statement is absolutely easier to say than to do!  My heart says I should believe in myself because God does.  We should ask God what he wants us to do as well as ask Him to show us our gifts. We must focus on listening to God’s voice and use the knowledge He reveals to our hearts to create a life that will bring peace and comfort in every circumstance that we might face today and in the future. To experience happiness and fulfillment we must constantly develop our relationship with the Father and sincerely seek His desires for our life. God is confident in me and what I can accomplish for Him and overcome through Him, so I should be confident in myself as I wait for prayers to be answered and direction to be given. If only I could trust God with everything! Trust in His way and not my own. Trust in His plan for each new day and situation. Again, these words are much easier to say than to live. Thankfully, my heart reminds me almost every day that I owe it to Jesus to be excited about whatever phase of life I am in and energized about becoming the person God created me to be.  I wake up every morning and thank God for everything that is good in my life and in the lives of those I love, and then my prayers turn toward seeking His guidance and ability to accept the countless things I don’t understand!  Then a soft sweet loving voice whispers to my heart, remember the power in choosing me and the joy that will overflow in your heart as you begin to become a true servant for Jesus. I think, believe, feel and trust but most of all I want to respond to Him based on His word and spirit. 

Be still, and know that I am God.  Psalm 46:10

Friday, April 8, 2011

A woman of grace, love and service!

This post is in honor of Mrs. Margaret Lott.  Mrs. Lott went home to be with Jesus last week and she will be greatly missed in our lives.  As I sat down to write these words of remembrance it seems that my mind is just flooded with so many wonderful memories and loving thoughts of such a special person that the words are not coming together as easily as I had hoped.  I first met Mrs. Lott when I was in the fifth grade and had just moved to Sibley. I had been to Sunday school at other churches, but it was while in Mrs. Lott’s class that I began to understand the full message of love and how His grace could prevail over anything in my life.  I treasure how she taught me about Jesus, how she shared the stories of hope and how she gave so much affection and attention to me as well as every child around her. Those moments and memories touched my heart then and each day of my life since.  I will never forget how she loved me as well as others as if we were her own children and continued to keep in touch and be concerned about our lives.   Mrs. Lott hired me for my first real job as a teller at her branch.  It was because of Mrs. Lott that I had the confidence in myself to learn and grow in a career that changed my life forever.  I remember so many conversations that we had and the words of wisdom that I continue to keep close to my heart for they have carried me through many experiences in my life.  Her laughter was healing and her love unconditional, but most of all I am thankful that God placed such a special woman in my life.  Thankfully, I have stayed in touch with Mrs. Lott through the years, not as close as I would have chosen since I live in another state, but I do get an update and loving thoughts written from her heart in my Christmas card each year!   Mrs. Lott was a beautiful person inside and out!  She touched the lives and hearts of many! She will be greatly missed here on earth but I know she is rejoicing in the arms of her Father!

There is a song by Ray Boltz that I cannot hear without thinking about Mrs. Lott. It’s called "Thank You." Below are a few of the verses that I would like to share.

And he said, "Friend you may not know me now."
And then he said, "But wait,
You used to teach my Sunday School
When I was only eight.
And every week you would say a prayer
Before the class would start.
And one day when you said that prayer,
I asked Jesus in my heart."
Thank you for giving to the Lord.
I am a life that was changed.
Thank you for giving to the Lord.
I am so glad you gave.
One by one they came
Far as the eye could see.
Each life somehow touched
By your generosity.
Little things that you had done,
Sacrifices made,
Unnoticed on the earth
In heaven, now proclaimed.
And I know up in heaven
You're not supposed to cry
But I am almost sure
There were tears in your eyes.
As Jesus took your hand
And you stood before the Lord.
He said, "My child, look around you.
Great is your reward."

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's Spring!

Today has been a beautiful spring day!  Gerber Daisy's in the fresh new flower beds, the Blue Bonnets blooming in the open fields and a fragrant-scented breeze flowing through the air. It's God's own work of art!  What a blessing and a gift He has given us. Spring also brings back memories of childhood, of special days and of special people who have touched our lives. Each spring as the flowers begin to bloom, I am reminded of my sweet grandmother and how she loved Hyacinths. Every year she planted them near her front door. I will never forget that scent as long as I live and I am hopeful that my grandmother and I will someday walk together in heaven and share that wonderful fragrance again. Spring brings new growth and I believe our creator intended us to have new growth as well. God whispers to us the desires of His heart!  A precious gift of spring is another opportunity for us to look for ways to grow closer to Him. To bloom, become fresh, and flourish in a new way. Continuing our old paths can weigh us down. Each day is "new life" if only we can seize the opportunity and give God a chance to nurture and cultivate what He has already given us but with an open mind and a fresh new spirit. Allow Him to change what needs to be changed and to grow what He has already planted in our lives. The truth of a "Big Amazing God" is that he can "transform" and "grow" us in ways we could never imagine!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I'm a Blogger!

There are many things in this life I've dreamed of doing but blogging was never on my bucket list!  So today, I will write my first official blog and I am hoping that the thoughts and experiences that I share from my heart will somehow touch those who might someday read them. I am still learning and growing every day but striving to keep my promise to God to place no hope in my own strength, nor in my works, but all my hope in Him! My Father has given me a big job to do and instead of trusting in Him I try to do it myself. Sometimes I am overwhelmed by the greatness of it all. Help me Lord to place all my trust in you with everything in my life. As the storm clouds gather and the waves begin to churn, I will be calm and allow my soul to be replenished as I wait on you. Our God is a God of wonder but also a God of hope!

Monday, April 4, 2011


HOPE is "waiting for" with eager expectations!  I pray that I will always have HOPE and that I will be excited and eager, expecting the "extraordinary" in every situation!