Welcome to my blog and thank you for stopping by!

I am a simple farm girl, saved by grace, with an open heart and sincere soul, constantly seeking the truth of Jesus.
May we find joy in the ordinary, love others well and allow hope to sustain us through every journey in this life.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Greatest Of All Is “Love”

We are destined to love and this destiny is written within each of us. We can live against this destiny and be unloving but our hearts will never feel true happiness. Loveless equals self-centered and selfish ways.  Love equals Christ centered and self-giving. When we choose to live in love we choose Christ and obedience to the Lord.  “Love never fails,” for when it finds a way to express itself the result is positive and powerful not only to the recipient but also to the heart of the one giving the love. The pattern for our love is the way that God loves us.  He not only loves us for who we are but also for what he sees we can be.  Love is creative, it can make the faithless become faithful, the hopeless become hopeful and the loveless become loving.  Our journey in life won’t be successful unless it is filled with love.  Love makes everything easier, even sacrifice seems enjoyable when made in love.  Love can take on the impossible and we find that love can also lighten the load.  There is a difference in being drawn by love and being driven by love.  The tasks may be the same but sincere love makes everything light and obligation makes the burden heavy.  To grow in love is to grow in life and without growing in love we can’t grow our relationship with the Lord.  We cannot fail if we love even if our love fails to see the result that we had planned for it.  If we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us.  Christ can love us into loving others and loving something else more than we love ourselves is God’s greatest joy.  My prayer today is that the Lord will help me to love widely and deeply and enable me to express and share love into every area of my life.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My New Definition of Church

Thankfully I am a part of a community called “The Gathering Place.”  Our two pastors are free, immersed in His Holy Word, lovingly teach us the truth of being free in Christ and more importantly have shared with us that showing love to others is the only way we can truly feel “spiritual oneness” with our Lord and Savior.  I am sharing a few thoughts today about my “new” definition of “church” and praying that I will make every effort to honor that definition each day for the rest of my life.         

Imagine for just a moment something more than the traditional idea of what church has meant to us in the past.  More than just a set schedule of days that we gather together to fellowship, learn and worship.  Church doesn’t have to be confined to a building and four walls, a song service and a message from the word.  We can consume the bread of hope and drink of the living water of life no matter where we are in this world.  The devotion our God of the universe deserves is much more than can be accomplished within the confines of a church building.  He is the vine and we are His branches, for those that find Him will find life.  If we would only be still and listen, we would hear his spirit speak softly in our hearts nudging us to share His love with others as we go through our daily routines and as we travel through this challenging, changing but completely breath-taking journey of life.  I’m not implying that we should close the doors of the church or discontinue our weekly scheduled times that we come together to worship as a community, but what if we could change the way that we express our love for God and how we share Jesus in our daily lives.  Jesus gave us a better way to experience the joys of life, a way to be free and unburdened with the trials that each of us will surely encounter along the way.  If we could take this gift and reach out to others with a love that is compassionate, understanding and forgiving, miraculous changes would occur in our life and in the lives of others who have suffered through pain, rejection and a lonely heart.  What if we share with others something that God has given to us.  Absolute freedom is available to all of God’s children and He desires for us to go out into the world to comfort, encourage and love in His name.  God is the only true constant in this life and beyond and His faithfulness is unwavering.   It is easy to feel as though we are small, common and unnoticed, but to God we are all important extraordinary individuals who He created in His image.  He not only created us but He redeems us daily and our work here in this life will never be complete until He comes for us on that glorious day. As we strive to walk in obedience to Him, He will open our eyes to see and our ears to hear of those who need unconditional love and whispers of the truth that will reassure them as they search, seek and ultimately secure a reunion with their Heavenly Father.  Even in the midst of our busy daily lives, we can have “church outside the doors of a building by involving ourselves in and sharing our heart with the world around us.  We can look for the moments that we can be a light to someone that feels as though all they can see is darkness, or an encouragement to someone that has been through one storm after another with no end in sight.  So maybe we should put aside our old definition of “church” and embrace the example of love and of “the church” that Jesus revealed to us long ago.  Motivated by God’s spirit we must be an example in life, in love, in faith and in purity.  We must show others that we believe in their dreams, that we want to share in the joyous moments.  We should be available to provide a shoulder to lean on when the circumstances are so big that an answered prayer seems impossible and quietly listen with our heart when hope is so small that it cannot be seen in the future.  We can trust in His strength and wisdom as we bear one another’s burdens and through His love share the hope of Jesus.  “Church” is so much more; we can walk with and serve the Lord anytime and anywhere and not just when we visit a structure that has been designated as a place of worship. Let us seize every “moment” and “situation” to serve Him.  God is boundless and our praise and worship should be vast and beyond the walls of a church building.  My prayer is that I will remember to experience, enjoy and embrace “church” every day and to trust that He and His love will be “more than enough” in my life and in my new definition of “church.”    

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Prayer For Community

A few months ago I was in a bible study of John which enlightened and humbled my heart.  This morning as I opened my bible to study, my thoughts went back to several verses in John where Jesus prayed for the believers.  As I read those verses again, I was in awe of His prayer and desire for us as believers to have a “spiritual oneness.” Though sometimes I am not able to express what I feel in my heart, I have tried to put into words a summary of my thoughts from my time in His word this morning.   

Scripture: (ESV)
John 17:20-23
I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, 21 that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, 23 I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.

Community is a journey towards unity and intimacy with God and with each other. We are instructed to immerse ourselves into His holy kingdom and unite with and into the lives of those around us.  We must trust that every experience and situation is a gift and we must use the knowledge that we gain from each small journey to help us grow and become the servant and community that God desires us to be.  It’s also about supporting, encouraging and enabling others as we move toward our ultimate destination of a life following Jesus and loving others.  Together we can become a community committed to sharing the journey and the adventures that God entrusts to us.Cross references:

Listening together, struggling together and praying together. Not just unity but the “oneness” that reaches deep into our Father’s heart and finds its source in the relationship with the trinity as a community.  No wonder Jesus spent more time developing His community of followers than he did preaching to them.  Together we can shine by the light of Jesus and model His love in such a way that the Father is seen in and through us.  As we listen together, struggle together and pray together we can grow into that transformed community of “love giving souls” that reflect the image of the “One” who holds all in his hands.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Share the Love

As we begin a new year of our lives, we must somehow focus our attention not so much on “us” and “our” needs but more on “love” for others.  Though sometimes love is complicated and awkward, God's word teaches us that our journey through life must involve love.  The gift of our Savior was given to us because of the “Father’s” great love for His children.  The beauty and splendor of this beautiful garden of life, was given to us in love by our creator, for our enjoyment and entertainment.  Each blessing, every miracle and the many answered and unanswered prayers are all given to us with a love that is beyond our comprehension. If only we could somehow channel the love that we are shown by our Father and direct it toward the world, not only could His work be accomplished but His story of our lives could be lived out and written the way it was intended. If we could be a light to the soul of others, our works would become the brightest moments of our existence.  If we could find ways to show love even in the busyness of this world, we would also find the intimacy with the Lord that we all yearn for.  Our God hears the cries of His people, and His loving arms are always stretched outward toward us.  If only we can become that same loving, accepting rock for others and not the sinking sand that never allows a heart to feel unconditional love and healing. Daily we are reminded of His great love for us which should become our constant reminder of the service of love toward others that we must make our greatest priority in this world. We must love as we are loved, allow our eyes to see what He sees and constantly seek ways to help those who need love.  We must long to grow ever so closer to His heart and through love toward others we will become complete only in Him, His presence and His great love for us.  My prayer is that the Lord will remind me of His love every day and show me how to share it with others each day for the rest of my life.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas Letter 2011

Posting our Christmas Letter as an update to 2011.

A Christmas hello to say we hope you and your family are doing well, to let you know that we think of you often and to thank you for being a part of our lives.  

As I was thinking about what to share this year in our Christmas letter, these thoughts came to mind. The truth was too great and vast for us to comprehend or believe and so God made it simple.  Conceived through a miracle, born to a young girl of common means, a tiny helpless baby, sent by our loving Father to be the “true light” of the world and of our lives.  The Christmas story is a reminder that the” simple things” are the ones we hold most dear, that “faith” is entrusting every journey in life to the "One" who holds “all” in the universe, that we will continue to see “miracles” that will warm our hearts, and that the greatest gift of all is “love.”  Without love, there would not have been a first Christmas.  May we celebrate the wonderful blessings that have come to us through Jesus, God’s perfect gift of “love.”

And following the tradition of our Christmas letter, we would like to share a few family highlights of 2011.

This has been an exciting year for Michael and Amanda.  In June they were married on a beautiful beach in Destin, Florida.  Though the groom had an appendectomy several days before heading to Florida and a storm was in the forecast, everything came together and they are now husband and wife. The rain held off, the beautiful bride stayed dry and the ceremony turned out perfectly.  The overcast skies and cool breeze before and during the wedding ceremony was a welcome blessing on a hot summer day.  Most of the guests (excluding Bradley who thought it would be a good idea to ride his scooter to the ceremony) made it to their car before the down pour and off we went to the reception at a cute little “lighthouse themed” restaurant. Their days are busy with work and the girls but both Michael and Amanda are thankful for their jobs and good health and are enjoying their new life together.  We are blessed that Amanda agreed to become a part of our family and Kate and I are excited to have another shopping buddy and someone else to laugh with on “girl’s night.”  We also have other exciting news from them as well.  Next summer we will have “two” new precious babies to cuddle and rock.  Yes, they are having twins!  A double blessing for our family!

Hannah turned 9 in September and is in 3rd grade this year. She is doing excellent in school and making “straight A’s” on her report card.  She played soccer this year and her team won 1st place in their age group. When she scored her first goal, we were a bit overexcited and I’m pretty sure that everyone in the complex had no doubt that “we” were her family.  As most young girls do, she loves stylish clothes, shopping and Justin Bieber.

Lilly will turn 5 in January and is in pre-Kindergarten this year.  She is doing well in school and it is amazing what she has learned over this past year. She has an incredible imagination that makes us smile and reminds us of that magical time of childhood.  She loves horses, dolls and playing with her big sister Hannah.

Brad and Kate are doing well and keep busy with a variety of activities.  Brad still loves to run and fish and this year he has taken up a new hobby of carpentry.   He has built several “floating shelves” for their house and has plans for future projects.  My son the carpenter!  Brad still works as a pastor and teacher at “The Gathering Place” and Kate works alongside him there in several ministries of her own.  In May of this year, Kate graduated from college with a teaching degree. We are very proud of her and her accomplishment.  She was hired at Beasley Elementary School and is teaching 3rd grade this year.  Both are thankful for that huge blessing!  On top of all their many activities, Brad and Kate make time for Hannah and Lilly. The girls adore Uncle Brad and Aunt Kate and always look forward to fun outings and time together. 

Barry and I are enjoying our days near the kiddo’s and our beautiful granddaughters!  We invite ourselves to hang out with the kids as much as we can and love every moment of our time together.  This summer after the wedding, our family enjoyed a week relaxing at the beach.  We had a great time with the girls and I think we spent most of our time in the water. They loved riding the waves in the ocean and also enjoyed the awesome pool.   Barry is working hard and seems to enjoy “most” work days, has learned to drive “defensively” in the Dallas traffic and loves being a “Paw” and playing with Hannah and Lilly.  I occupy my days helping with the girls, looking for projects to keep me out of trouble and having breakfast and lunch with friends.  I am SO thankful for these years of my life!  We are still looking for our dream home in the country and are certainly taking our sweet time finding the perfect place.  Hopefully by next year’s Christmas letter we will be living on “The Ogle Farm” riding our horses at sunset and my dream of raising chicken’s that lay “colored eggs” will have become a reality.  We are excited about the new grandbabies and look forward to the many exciting adventures of 2012.  Our lives are truly blessed!

“Wishing you the gift of faith, the blessing of hope and the peace of His love this Christmas and always.”

Love, Barry & Tina Ogle