Welcome to my blog and thank you for stopping by!

I am a simple farm girl, saved by grace, with an open heart and sincere soul, constantly seeking the truth of Jesus.
May we find joy in the ordinary, love others well and allow hope to sustain us through every journey in this life.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year ~ 2014 ~

Happy New Year! 

I am truly blessed to begin a new year with my precious family and beautiful friends. I am excited and awaiting God’s goodness and faithfulness in the months ahead and I am anxious to see what plans He has for me in 2014.  How blessed I am to be able to begin a fresh new season and I am especially thankful that Jesus is planning to do something brand new in my life and in my heart.  His way is the only way and my prayer is that I will open my heart to whatever He has planned for me this year.  I know He holds us securely in the palm of His hand and what comfort and peace that brings to my soul.  It's a new year and a great time for a new beginning.  I have a burning desire to search my heart to discover things I may need to change about myself and I pray that I will not be blinded by untruth but that my heart will find the real truth and I can be more of what my Father wants me to be for myself and for others that I love and care so deeply for.  I also hope that in this truth I will sincerely seek and find ways to make a small difference in this world.  My goal is to try not to focus on current situations whether they are good or bad but rather open my heart to others and look for ways each and every day to show love to them.  Jesus is the "love" of my life.  I will pray hard and listen closely for His spirit to lead and guide me to places that I have avoided in the past and toward people who may not know Him in the same way I do but who will no doubt be able to teach me about Jesus, life and unconditional love in ways I could never imagine. The spirit is whispering that our journey together will be filled with much joy for all hearts involved and that His purpose will be fulfilled in a wonderful and loving way.  I realize the process of change is slow and sometimes challenging. It takes willingness and prayerful preparation.  I am trusting God to show me the way to His truth. I want to look for ways to be Christ to others and to strive more toward the forgiveness that flowed from our sweet Jesus that day as he hung on the cross. I want to dig deep into the scriptures and let them truly become my daily bread.  My heart is filled with the anticipation of something new and foreign, the opportunity to be obedient to the One who had given me everything, to experience His grace again and again, to be enlightened by His truth and to find SO much joy in the journey we will take together into unfamiliar places and less traveled roads. I am amazed by all I have seen done in His name and I am overflowing with excitement for what I know He is going to do in my life and the lives of those around me in 2014. To my family and friends I hope and pray you will hold me accountable, lift me up and hold my hand as together we strive with all our hearts to be a dedicated follower of the Redeemer of our souls and with a loving heart be a faithful servant to the One who created everything.  From deep within my heart, this is my New Year's wish for myself and for you my precious family and friends! Until we meet again, may you find peace and joy in all your days and may LOVE surround your life.  ~ Tina  ~