Today I am sharing some random thoughts from my heart. I strive to live every day of my life as an adventure and to approach every event in my life as a spiritual journey of learning and growing my relationship and trust in the Lord. This statement is absolutely easier to say than to do! My heart says I should believe in myself because God does. We should ask God what he wants us to do as well as ask Him to show us our gifts. We must focus on listening to God’s voice and use the knowledge He reveals to our hearts to create a life that will bring peace and comfort in every circumstance that we might face today and in the future. To experience happiness and fulfillment we must constantly develop our relationship with the Father and sincerely seek His desires for our life. God is confident in me and what I can accomplish for Him and overcome through Him, so I should be confident in myself as I wait for prayers to be answered and direction to be given. If only I could trust God with everything! Trust in His way and not my own. Trust in His plan for each new day and situation. Again, these words are much easier to say than to live. Thankfully, my heart reminds me almost every day that I owe it to Jesus to be excited about whatever phase of life I am in and energized about becoming the person God created me to be. I wake up every morning and thank God for everything that is good in my life and in the lives of those I love, and then my prayers turn toward seeking His guidance and ability to accept the countless things I don’t understand! Then a soft sweet loving voice whispers to my heart, remember the power in choosing me and the joy that will overflow in your heart as you begin to become a true servant for Jesus. I think, believe, feel and trust but most of all I want to respond to Him based on His word and spirit.
Be still, and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10