Welcome to my blog and thank you for stopping by!

I am a simple farm girl, saved by grace, with an open heart and sincere soul, constantly seeking the truth of Jesus.
May we find joy in the ordinary, love others well and allow hope to sustain us through every journey in this life.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Summer Reflections

I haven't written in awhile and time does seem to get away from me between posts but I am determined to keep at it even though there may be long periods of time where I am unable to write an update and share my thoughts.  So . . . here goes.

It's summer time in Texas!  We are entering the "100 degree days" portion of our summer and I am reminding myself of the numerous rain showers we have been blessed with so far this season. Summer time seems to be filled with busy days and not much time to sit quietly and reflect, but in the fullness of each day, our lives have been richly blessed in love, health and family.  

And speaking of overflowing, the garden was plentiful this year and I have enjoyed going out each evening to see what will be ripe that day. I had so many extra bell peppers that I chopped up several bags of them to put into the freezer. I will get them out this winter to use in casseroles and most importantly to have when making the dressing for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We have enjoyed fresh tomatoes in salads and I have eaten cherry tomatoes for every meal including breakfast. Barry's favorite were the cucumbers. He has also eaten them for every meal.  Cucumbers, cucumbers everywhere so I have made jars and jars of pickles!  Being able to share fresh veggies from the garden has been fun and I am thankful I was able to spread around the blessing of a bountiful harvest.

It has been nice to see Hannah and Lilly have a few slower days with a little extra sleep, enjoying the summer activities and the freedom of no schedule. They have a few short weeks left and then another school year will begin. We will have a 5th grader and a 1st grader this year. It's so hard to believe how fast they are growing up. Humor me when I say I can actually remember being their ages. Long long ago, but yet, not so long ago. The memories from my summer days as a child are truly some of my most cherished.  Brooklyn and Renee have started walking, picking up food with their hands and drinking from a cup. They are even beginning to say a few words and are giving big sweet hugs. We love it when they are all able to come out and spend time with us and are so thankful for the blessing of grandchildren. 

Barry and I have enjoyed the warm days and "star filled" beautiful summer nights here on the "Ogle Farm." We recently welcomed Maude and Myrtle, our two new cows to the farm. They are settling in nicely and have even adjusted to the chickens hanging out in the barn and eating out of their food trough alongside them. And speaking of my sweet chickens, they are laying lots of eggs for us to enjoy every day.  They are very interesting little creatures and I am positive I will learn from watching them. They bring a smile to my face when I see them hanging around the patio chasing grasshoppers and touch my heart when they walk up to me for a quick touch of my hand across their soft feathers.  And yes, they are pets first and foremost and are certainly a joy to have around. 

Barry and I are on our way to the beach for a week of relaxation and fun!  Woo Hoo!!  I love  the summer, the warmth of the sun, the flowers blooming, the garden producing veggies for us to eat, watching the sun set from the dock on our pond and the feeling of my feet in the sand.  But, I have to say I am looking forward to the cooler days ahead, brisk walks around the farm enjoying a warm cup of coffee and a little more quiet time to spend reading and reflecting.  

I am thankful for the moments of silence that surprise me from time to time and that my Father knows exactly when my heart and soul needs them the most. 

I believe that the more time we spend drawing close to the Lord, the more beautiful our lives will become. Our hearts will feel peaceful and our minds will become rested and renewed.  When we open our hearts to His presence, our hands and time to His service and our lives to sharing his love, rest assured we will touch His heart in a beautiful way.  When we give ourselves fully to Him and listen to His voice that whispers to our soul, He will fill us to overflowing with joy, peace, and satisfaction in every part of our lives. 

My Father deserves more praise than I could ever give, my love for Him grows deeper every day and there are "no" words to express my thankfulness for all that He has done in my life. I pray that He will help me to take time each day to slow down, breath in his peaceful spirit, inhale His love and exhale the busyness of my life. I want to rest quietly in His presence and when He looks at my life, I want Him to see nothing but a reflection of His love in everything I do. 

Thankful that I was finally able to slow down for a few minutes, be still and listen to the "One" who holds everything in His hands.  Hoping and praying that your summer has been as wonderful as mine and that He has touched your life in a beautiful way! 

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