Welcome to my blog and thank you for stopping by!

I am a simple farm girl, saved by grace, with an open heart and sincere soul, constantly seeking the truth of Jesus.
May we find joy in the ordinary, love others well and allow hope to sustain us through every journey in this life.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Share the Love

As we begin a new year of our lives, we must somehow focus our attention not so much on “us” and “our” needs but more on “love” for others.  Though sometimes love is complicated and awkward, God's word teaches us that our journey through life must involve love.  The gift of our Savior was given to us because of the “Father’s” great love for His children.  The beauty and splendor of this beautiful garden of life, was given to us in love by our creator, for our enjoyment and entertainment.  Each blessing, every miracle and the many answered and unanswered prayers are all given to us with a love that is beyond our comprehension. If only we could somehow channel the love that we are shown by our Father and direct it toward the world, not only could His work be accomplished but His story of our lives could be lived out and written the way it was intended. If we could be a light to the soul of others, our works would become the brightest moments of our existence.  If we could find ways to show love even in the busyness of this world, we would also find the intimacy with the Lord that we all yearn for.  Our God hears the cries of His people, and His loving arms are always stretched outward toward us.  If only we can become that same loving, accepting rock for others and not the sinking sand that never allows a heart to feel unconditional love and healing. Daily we are reminded of His great love for us which should become our constant reminder of the service of love toward others that we must make our greatest priority in this world. We must love as we are loved, allow our eyes to see what He sees and constantly seek ways to help those who need love.  We must long to grow ever so closer to His heart and through love toward others we will become complete only in Him, His presence and His great love for us.  My prayer is that the Lord will remind me of His love every day and show me how to share it with others each day for the rest of my life.

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